Insecticides, Pesticides, Products

Proto G (Thiacloprid + Deltamethrin) 11% OD

Proto G (Thiacloprid + Deltamethrin) 11% OD

Chemical group: Neonicotinoid & Pyrethroid

Acute oral LD50 for rats >300 &<2000 mg/Kg

IRAC = Thiacloprid: 4A , Deltametrin: 3A

Toxicity class: II

Packaging: 1 Litre

Proto G is a dual systemic and contact insecticide that combines thiacloprid’s persistent systemic effects with deltamethrin’s knockdown effect. This synergy expands its spectrum of activity, effectively controlling insecticide-resistant pests from various chemical groups. Thiacloprid penetrates plants within an hour of application, moving towards the growth tips, while deltamethrin remains on treated surfaces. Both components target pests that attack the vegetative parts of plants through contact and ingestion.


VegetableWhiteflies (Bemisia tabaci )1 liter per hectare
CottonCotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera)1 liter per hectare
OnionThrips (thrips tabaci)700 ml per hectare

pre-harvest intervals: onion  and Vegetable 3 days , Cotton 14 days

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