Commercial products, Herbicides, Products

Prowl 45.5% CS

Prowl 45.5% CS

Chemical group: Dinitroaniline

Acute oral LD50 for rats > 5000 mg/Kg

Toxicity class: U


Packaging: 1 Liters


Prowl is a pre-emergence herbicide that contains the effective substance pendimethalin from the dinitroaniline group, which interferes with the process of cell division in the meristem tissues of the plant, thus causing the death of plant tissues and ultimately the death of weeds. It is a selective herbicide used to control most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds in field carrots and potatoes.


PotatoAnnual grass & broadleaf weeds3 liters per hectareBefore planting potatoes and before weeds grow
Carrot3.5 – 4 liters per hectareBefore planting carrots and before weeds grow

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