Fungicides, Pesticides, Products

Carboxin + Thiram 75% WP

Carboxin Thiram 75% WP

Chemical group: Carboxamide + Dimethyldithiocarbamate

Acute oral LD50 for rats = 2600 mg/Kg

FRAC= (Carboxin) =C2,7, (Thiram) = M03

Toxicity class: III

Packaging: 1 Kg


Carboxin + Thiram is a broad-spectrum fungicide with dual systemic and contact action. It effectively controls both seed and soil-borne diseases while also stimulating plant growth. This fungicide combines the systemic composition of Carboxin, which belongs to the oxatin group, with the contact compound of Thiram from the dithiocarbamate group. However, Carboxin Thiram should not be mixed with highly alkaline or acidic compounds. For rice crops, seeds should be soaked in the fungicide solution for 24 hours before being placed in a warm environment for germination.


Wheat  Loose smut (Ustilago nuda),
 Common bunt (Tilletia tritici), Typhula blight (Typhula incarnata)
2 kg per 1000 Kg Seed for seed treatment
BarleyLoose smut (Ustilago nuda), Covered smut (Ustilago hordei), Barley stripe (Pyrenophora graminea)2 kg per 1000 Kg Seed for seed treatment
RiceBrown leaf spot Crown (Cochliobolus miyabeanus), Root rot (Gibberella fujikuroi) 2 kg per 1000 Kg Seed for seed treatment
Cottoncharcoal rot (Macrophomina sp.) 4 to 6 kg per 1000 Kg Seed for seed treatment
Sugar beetDamping off (Rhizoctonia solani)2 to 2.5 kg per 1000 Kg Seed for seed treatment
Sorghum  Long Smut (Tolyposporium ehrenbergii)2 kg per 1000 Kg Seed for seed treatment
 Corn   Head smut (Sphacelotheca reiliana)2.5 Kg Seed for seed treatment

pre-harvest intervals: Not specified

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