Herbicides, Pesticides, Products

Phenmedipham + Desmedipham + Ethofumesate 27.4% EC

Phenmedipham + Desmedipham + Ethofumesate 27.4% EC

Chemical group: Oxadiazolone

Acute oral LD50 for rats >3225 mg/Kg

Toxicity class: III

HRAC = Phenmedipham & Desmedipham)= C1 , HRAC (Ethofumesate)= N

Packaging: 1 Liter


Phenmedipham & Desmedipham belong to the class of phenylcarbamate, and Ethofumesate is a benzofuran herbicide. These are post-emergence selective herbicides for controlling broad-leaved weeds in sugar beets. They effectively control a wide range of annual broadleaf weeds. The best time to use this product is in the evening, before sunset until nightfall. Spraying during the cotyledon stage of weeds will yield the best results..


Sugar beetbroadleaf weeds3 liters per hectarein the stage 4 leaves of sugar beet

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